Thursday, December 04, 2008

2008 Fire Season = Done

Wow. I think fire season is officially over! I did my last severity maps today for fires that burned in Southern California last week. Some image examples here are from the Quickbird sensor showing some burned homes from the Sayre Fire (LA) and the distinct boundary between burned forest and unburned forest. The fireline -- while not completely successful -- is also visible.

Stats from this year:

Fires supported: 98
Acres mapped: 1,755,322
Satellite images processed: 108
Success rate: ~95% (about 95% of the emergency rehab teams that called got supported by me in time for their assessment)

It really wasn't too bad a year; basically, June - August was pretty bad in Northern California. I think the Fire Gods knew California would be a challenge so they held off on the rest of the country. Much appreciated...

So, what do I do during the winter time? I'm still neck-deep in MTBS and we've got another round of historical fire maps to get out. There are so much data associated with this project that it can be overwhelming at times. Lots of people and lots to do. We basically keep 5 people full-time on that project year round, with more coming and going as needed and as schedules allow.


Papa Doc said...

I am proud of your efforts and success in your field. You seem to enjoy what you do, and as time goes on, you will gain not only the love, appreciation, and admiration of others, but hopefully more money, too.

Dad Clark

keith said...

Just when you think it is over, they are going to pull you back in. The only way the 2008 fire season will really end is for the calendar to switch to Jan 1, 2009.

nmralph said...

Hi Jennifer,

Glad to see you are doing OK. Write and let me know what your are doing, it looks like its better than the state stuff.

Papa Doc said...

Hey, I looked at his again to see if you had made any new stuff. You need to do the massive fire in Australia. Let them know you could help them. They need it.

Dad Clark