Friday, September 12, 2008

Are we done?

In reality, it's been a quiet fire year. We've mapped over 80 fires, but only for 1.5 million acres (last year: 106 fires, 3.5 million). Even then, we've come a long way when we only mapped 25 fires for 400,000 acres in 2004. Things have changed dramatically in the last few years.

The end of June until about middle of August was very busy and when the meat of the work was done. It feels like we're in mop-up stage. Some of the western mountains have already had snow, the temperatures are dropping quickly, and some of the leaves are even changing color now. Where did my summer go?

Hopefully, we don't get any fire ignitions during the Santa Ana's in SoCal in October. They need a break.

I'll be attending the Int'l Association of Wildland Fire conference "The '88 Fires: Yellowstone and Beyond" in Jackson, WY, in a little over a week. I'm not presenting anything; rather, I'm simply going to observe and learn. I get precious few of these kinds of conferences. I also get to take my wife and kids since I'm driving as it presents no extra cost to take them with me.

1 comment:

keith said...

Done? No!! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Who's with me? Com' on!!

Wildland fires are like the mail, it never stops but some days you don't get any.