Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fire Drama

I love MSNBC's "Week in Pictures." The first picture in this past week's collection was of particular interest to me due to the subject matter. This picture is of the Butler 2 Fire on the San Bernardino National Forest. This fire burned awfully close to Big Bear Lake (on a side note...I chuckle when I see the name of that lake. It really isn't the "big" Bear Lake us Utahns refer to. We have a truly "big" Bear Lake on the Utah-Idaho border...).

This picture reminded me of the drama evident on every fire that I often forget because I map these fella after they are out.


Papa Doc said...

I sure wouldn't like to be around this baby when it was like the picture. I am glad you map them instead of fight them.

Dad Clark

Jess and Jen said...

Me, too. I'm too old to dig fire line. The trips I make are just right...after the fire is out and the logistical headache of dealing with the incidents is over.