We've been trying to get RAVG up and running. The biggest hurdle so far has been the data prep side of things. I'm having to get veg data from each and every western forest, then recoding from cover type to something more general that we're calling regional forest types. It's been a struggle. Lots of coordination with the forests.
Two of us are going to Missoula, MT, next week to present at a BAER team refresher training. We've been asked to take about 45 minutes in our presentation that will be geared toward team members (I presented at one last year geared toward BAER team leaders in LaGrande, OR). One of the things I'll be discussing is the 3D application side of display and this graphic is what I'm adding to my PPT slide. Pretty spot just west of Bonner's Ferry, ID on the Idaho-Panhandle NF.

1 comment:
I haven't checked this out for awhile because you are too smart for me and i don't understand half the things you talk about. :) I should add you to my blogroll so I will check it out more.
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