Friday, October 13, 2006

Stream Flows and Burn Severity

I had an interesting meeting yesterday. A fella from the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center from NOAA - NWS visited inquiring about burn severity data. He's starting a project that will incorporate burn information to refine and better his flash flood potential models. He's been working on a few examples, but wasn't very familiar with the burn severity data he'd received. People would ask him questions about the severity product and say stuff like "What does the Forest Service do about burn severity mapping? What does it mean?" So he visited us.

The meeting was initially an idea one where we each learned what the other was doing and how we can synergistically work together. We're interested in his stream guage information for monitoring purposes (subsequent years following a fire) and he's interested in our burn severity data for his real-time modeling of flash flood potential. This could be a fun cooperation.

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